Saturday, July 21, 2007

Can you trade Forex any other way than online and still get leverage? -

You can trade offline as well. You have to open an account in any case with a minimum deposit. On the basis of the deposit leverage is decided. Leverage is given by the company while the deposit is yours. Think twice before trading on the leverage as you may have to bear the losses too heavy.It is advisable to use the leverage only in rare and consequential cases. Yes, pretty much every broker also offers a dealing desk, that you can call and place orders. These are still used because a back up to computer failures must be in place. So if you ARE watching online and approaching an entry or exit or wish to change your stop placement, and you computer goes down or you lose you internet connection, you can still call the broker and complete your order. forex is normally traded online. this is to assure you that you get live, real time quotes/prices. however, certain trading sites can offer you special privileges if you are a frequent trader dealing in larger volumes. you can go to this site if you wish to check your options. it will lead you to one of the leading, legitimate and reliable forex trading sites today. register and inquire about their special trading terms. best of luck.

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