Wednesday, March 21, 2007

What factors influence the spot and forward exchange rates in the forex market? -

Basically an understanding of what goes behind the decisions of selecting to go for a spot rate of exchange or a forward rate of exchange. They depend on the interbank interest rates of the 2 currencies at the time of the deal is booked. Spot is now and immediate and there is no time factor involve. You like the rate you deal on the spot. Pun intended. Forward contract is to locked in a price for a period in time. There is a premium added to it on the spot rate. Its kind of an insurance. You use it when you cannot decide immediately whether you will transact or not but want a comfort to know that today s price will still be there for you. Of course you have to pay a cost for that If it helps at all visit The spot and forward exchange rates are related to each other through the interest rate parity. In other words, the difference between the spot and forward rates is the interest rate differential between two currencies. Forward rates are used to hedge foreign exchange exposure risk.

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