Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What is the book from which i can learn Forex effectively ? -

Without even spending the money for a book I really like the information and format of This is one of the first steps that I recommend to all of my clients to get a sound understanding of the Forex market. I then recommend some actual hands on experience by trading with a demo account using virtual dollars and not any of their own hard earned money. This way you can experience the actual tools and processes used when trading in the Forex marketplace. This will also allow you to experience the actual movement of various currency pairs in relation to each other. The Forex market is quite interesting, it is fun and dangerous at the same time.The educated and cautious live to trade another day. The impatient and greedy fall by the wayside. I wish you much success and I would be happy to answer any more questions that you may have. Paul is a compilation of good Forexbooks. Check it out.

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